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IsardVDI supports different authentication providers. There can be multiple providers in the same installation


You should set up your application auth tokens to enable this kind of logins.

  • BACKEND_HOST: Set it to your domain
  • BACKEND_AUTH_AUTOREGISTRATION: Activate auto registering


  • BACKEND_AUTH_GOOGLE_ID: Set your google ID.
  • BACKEND_AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET: Set your google secret.


  • BACKEND_AUTH_GITHUB_ID: Set your github ID.
  • BACKEND_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET: Set your github secret.


The LDAP authentication uses the same form that the local login.

In order to configure the LDAP authentication, we have to set the following parameters: isardvdi.cfg.example

We'll go through each configuration parameter:

Parameter Default value Description
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_ENABLED false If set to true, this will enable the LDAP authentication
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_PROTOCOL ldap The LDAP protocol. Other possible values are ldaps
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_PORT 389 The LDAP port where the server is listening
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_BIND_DN The DN that Isard is going to use to query the LDAP
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_PASSWORD The password that Isard is going to use to query the LDAP
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_BASE_SEARCH The DN that all the users share (e.g. ou=people,dc=example,dc=com)
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_FILTER (&(objectClass=person)(uid=%s)) The filter that Isard is going to use to find each user. The %s represents the username that gets sent through the form. More information here
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_FIELD_UID The field from the LDAP entry that contains the user UID
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_REGEX_UID .* The regex filter that is going to be applied in the field. By default it gets the whole field
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_FIELD_USERNAME The field from the LDAP entry that contains the user username
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_REGEX_USERNAME .* The regex filter that is going to be applied in the field. By default it gets the whole field
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_FIELD_NAME The field from the LDAP entry that contains the user name
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_REGEX_NAME .* The regex filter that is going to be applied in the field. By default it gets the whole field
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_FIELD_EMAIL The field from the LDAP entry that contains the user email
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_REGEX_EMAIL .* The regex filter that is going to be applied in the field. By default it gets the whole field
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_FIELD_PHOTO The field from the LDAP entry that contains the user photo
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_REGEX_PHOTO .* The regex filter that is going to be applied in the field. By default it gets the whole field

In regards of the field / regex configuration parameters: these are the fields that the LDAP search responds. For example, in some installations, the field for the email is called 'mail'. Then, a regex is applied to this field, in case we needed to filter inside a LDAP field. By default it collects the whole field. The regex match tries to extract the first group, but if there's no group it will extract the whole match

With this, the LDAP authentication is going to work. However, there's a ✨ extra feature ✨! With the LDAP authentication we can autoregister the users in groups, so there's no need to use the registration codes.


If a group has a registration code, and the LDAP auto registration is enabled, the LDAP autoregistration is always going to take preference. To configure it, we have to set the following configuration parameters: isardvdi.cfg.example

We'll go through each parameter:

Parameter Default value Description
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_AUTO_REGISTER false If set to true, this will enable the LDAP auto registration
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_GUESS_CATEGORY false If set to true, Isard is going to attempt to guess the category based in the search results, instead on relying in the category ID provided by the form. This enables multiple categories to use the same form and login URL
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_FIELD_CATEGORY The field from the LDAP entry that contains the user category
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_REGEX_CATEGORY .* The regex filter that is going to be applied in the field. By default it gets the whole field
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_FIELD_GROUP The field from the LDAP entry that contains the user group
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_REGEX_GROUP .* The regex filter that is going to be applied in the field. By default it gets the whole field
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_GROUPS_SEARCH The DN that all the groups share (e.g. dc=example,dc=com)
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_GROUPS_FILTER (&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=%s)) The filter that Isard is going to use to find each user. The %s represents the username that gets sent through the form. More information here
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_ROLE_ADMIN_GROUPS A comma separated list of the groups that are going to be part of the admin role
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_ROLE_MANAGER_GROUPS A comma separated list of the groups that are going to be part of the manager role
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_ROLE_ADVANCED_GROUPS A comma separated list of the groups that are going to be part of the advanced role
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_ROLE_USER_GROUPS A comma separated list of the groups that are going to be part of the user role
AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_ROLE_DEFAULT user The default role that the user is going to be assigned if it doesn't match with a group - role mapping. Possible values are admin, manager, advanced and user

In regards of the field / regex configuration parameters: these are the fields that the LDAP search responds. For example, in some installations, the field for the email is called 'mail'. Then, a regex is applied to this field, in case we needed to filter inside a LDAP field. By default it collects the whole field. The regex match tries to extract the first group, but if there's no group it will extract the whole match

Example LDAP configurations

LDAP with autoregistration


### Credentials used for querying the LDAP

### Base Search is the DN that all the users share, e.g. ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
### Filter is the actual filter used to search users. The '%s' represents the user that is sent through the form
### More information:

### These are the fields that the LDAP search responds. For example, in some installations, the field for the email is called 'mail'
### Then, a regex is applied to this field, in case we needed to filter inside a LDAP field. By default it collects the whole field

### Auto Register the existing ldap users into IsardVDI
### These are the fields that the LDAP search responds. For example, in some installations, the field for the group is called 'group'
### Then, a regex is applied to this field, in case we needed to filter inside a LDAP field. By default it collects the whole field
### The base search for listing all the groups of a user
### Filter is the actual filter used to search all the groups of a user. The '%s' represents the user that is sent through the form
### More information:
### The field that contains the group in the AUTHENTICATION_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_GROUPS_FILTER search
### All the users that are in at least one of the groups specified here, will be created in the admin role (comma separated)
# This is the default role that users will have if they don't match in any of the previous groups.
# Values can be 'admin', 'manager', 'advanced', 'user'


Still not documented, refer to isardvdi.cfg

Last update: July 7, 2023